Devin Wulff is my hero | Letter

Devin Wulff, a past graduate of Redmond High School (RHS), saved my sanity on Jan. 5, and my beloved dog!

I had left my home to run some errands in town. I returned home about an hour later to find that my housekeeper had inadvertently let my dog escape the house unnoticed. Of course, I was frantic, and scoured the neighborhood looking for my precious pet. Just as I was leaving my neighborhood, to drive past RHS, I spotted Mr. Wulff driving in the opposite direction to me, and waving his arm out the window of his car to catch my attention. I pulled over, as did he, and he told me he had spotted my dog wandering one of the empty fields at RHS. He scooped my pet into his car to bring him to my house.

It was only by the grace of his being home for winter college break, and being up at the high school, that he spotted my dog, and knew he should not be out wandering alone.

I will be forever grateful to this fine young man, who is a true asset to our community, and these acts of kindness in our communities deserve to be broadly praised. Devin Wulff is my hero!

Angela Best
