Top five reasons why I’m voting for Padhye | Letter

I support Tanika Padhye for Redmond City Council position 4, and here’s why you should too:

5. Inclusive – Living near the Padhyes here in Redmond we’ve celebrated Indian and American holidays with them, and although I know little about Indian traditions, I always felt welcome and admired her family’s global diversity and spirit of inclusion. She is committed to promoting cultural inclusion in our city and has participated in community events like Derby Days, Ananda Mela and chaired the food drive this year for Hopelink.

4. Education – Smart leadership requires the ability to synthesize policy and research, absorb detailed briefings, reconcile contradictory issues and options, and balance public opinion with taking responsible action for the future. Tanika’s law degree, legal experience and intellect qualify her to do just that. Plus, her years of volunteering for the city give her a keen insight on how government works and how to get things done.

3. Champion of the people –Tanika could be on Wall Street, but she chose Main Street. She dedicated years providing legal advice to those who couldn’t afford it and defending victims of employment and housing discrimination. Some people blessed with a great upbringing and education rise to great personal heights, and some are born to go beyond that and have a passion to give back. Tanika again fits that bill having volunteered for many years on Redmond commissions and most recently serving on city council.

2. Endorsements – Tanika was appointed to the city council last year among a field of qualified candidates. She’s endorsed by them and a slew of local officials and organizations. She has a collaborative temperament and strives to be a fair, effective and unifying leader.

1. Keep a good thing going! – Tanika’s been on council for seven months now, long enough to know the operations and issues and to balance the responsibilities. She can handle the inevitable tough issues and decisions with an open mind and balanced judgment. She will balance the interests of all stakeholders and is committed to doing what’s right for business, government and the individual. All we have to do is keep her there. Vote for Tanika!

Martha Brent
