Marchione and other Eastside mayors to discuss shared agendas May 25

How do the mayors of four Eastside cities (240,000-plus in combined population) view the future? What primary issues are driving their agendas? How will the downtowns help power recovery in the local and regional economy?

The mayors of Redmond, Bellevue, Kirkland and Issaquah will take the stage to discuss shared policy challenges and unique opportunities as neighbors and regional partners. The forum is a featured program in the monthly Breakfast Meeting Series hosted by the Bellevue Downtown Association (BDA) at 7:30 a.m.Tuesday, May 25 at Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th St. in Bellevue.

Forum panelists are Redmond Mayor John Marchione, Bellevue Mayor Don Davidson, Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger and Kirkland Mayor Joan McBride.

Moderator will be Tony Williams, Partner and Chairman, Washington2 Advocates

The event is open to the public. Cost, including breakfast, is $30 for BDA Members and $40 for Non-Members. Register in advance at or call (425) 453-1223.