Vote for Initiative 1491 | Letter

Washingtonians, please vote for Initiative 1491, a measure that could prevent future tragedies by allowing family members to ask a judge to temporarily suspend a person's access to firearms if there is documented evidence that the person poses significant threat to themselves or others.

Washingtonians, please vote for Initiative 1491, a measure that could prevent future tragedies by allowing family members to ask a judge to temporarily suspend a person’s access to firearms if there is documented evidence that the person poses significant threat to themselves or others.

The reason why a family and society puts so much value on the life of a newborn child is because they are our future. A future that can grow up and start a Facebook like Mark Zuckerberg at the age of 23 and employ thousands of needy people and connect half the world or a future that will be cut short in a tragedy just because they were at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

Initiative 1491 will hopefully save that one brilliant, bright girl or boy and their dream.

I therefore appeal to your good conscience to help make Washington state secure. Ending this with one of my favorite quotes from President Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” and today I want to do this for safety of my adopted country and urge you to do your bit.

Twisha Chandra
