“Reuse is the highest form of recycling,” quipped Doug McDonald, original owner and founder of McDonald’s Book Exchange in Redmond.
Nestled in the corner of 83rd Street and 164th Avenue, McDonald’s Book Exchange is one of Redmond’s hidden gems. The store, which allows buyers to trade in books for a myriad of used books, will celebrate its 30th anniversary on Sunday, June 1.
The school year will soon be history. Teens with time on their hands and empty wallets are in luck, because many merchants at Redmond Town Center (RTC) are hiring for this summer or year ‘round.
On April 30, the Redmond Reporter got a “bread-u-cation” from Ross and Elizabeth Tasche, a young Redmond couple who’ve started an old-fashioned business called Home Bread.
Redmond Fall City Animal Hospital of Redmond has received accreditation following a comprehensive evaluation by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
McCall appointed to general manager
Whole Foods Market, the world’s leading natural and organic foods supermarket, announced last week that Guinness World Records has confirmed that the company has set a record for “Most Parmigiano Reggiano Wheels Cracked Simultaneously” to honor the tradition and celebration of the cheese.
Teleflora’s celebrating the 100th anniversary of Mother’s Day with an America’s Favorite Mom contest (AmericasFavoriteMom.com/florist). Coincidentally, it was 30 years ago, just before Mother’s Day that Redmond’s Bear Creek Florist, a Teleflora and FTD affiliate, began selling blooms to honor moms, birthdays, anniversaries and other milestones.
A crafters’ paradise in our own backyard, Ben Franklin Crafts and Frame Shop, has a new “Create-n-Take” program featuring quick and inexpensive make-it-yourself projects. Every Sunday, from 1-3 p.m., novice crafters — or those who’ve mastered one skill but want to try another — can drop in and pay a nominal fee to participate.
Naartijie, an innovative children’s fashion brand founded in Cape Town, South Africa, is plannning a grand opening at Redmond Town Center in the summer of 2008.
Area businesses with exceptional recycling programs are encouraged to see how they rate against other businesses by participating in King County’s 2008 “Best Workplaces for Recycling” event.
The weekend arrives. You’re finally free! Free to go home and … do the laundry, mow the lawn, fix that leaky faucet, do all those exciting chores that have been piling up. Oh, what joy.
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” said the famous Greek philosopher Plato.