Current Emerald Heights needs and conditions need to be addressed | Letter

I live at Emerald Heights and definitely care about preserving our green spaces. After hearing from our neighbors, Emerald Heights revised their landscaping plan for the Assisted Living building to preserve more of the green space. I don’t understand why John Stilin (letter to the editor, Jan. 11) is bringing up issues and comments from the rezone application of 2010. We need to address current needs and conditions. He didn’t object when trees were cut down to build his neighborhood, Abbey Road. Emerald Heights has certainly preserved a lot more green space than the Abbey Road development!

Emerald Heights has a commitment to the residents here to provide health care services. Our current facility was constructed 25 years ago with double-occupancy rooms in skilled nursing and hotel-style rooms for assisted living. This does not meet the current expectations for living quarters. Is John Stilin asking people to choose between a small piece of our green space and quality health care for seniors? The proposed building will be well-shielded from the road with ivy covered fences and lots of landscaping with tall trees. Support for this project is the obvious choice.

Marie McEwen
