Encouraging innovation | Letter

Earlier this year, I had a kidney transplant and it changed my life. I was diagnosed with lupus at 19 and for years, I battled the effects of the illness. I was then diagnosed with lupus of the kidneys that eventually caused total renal failure, a life-threatening condition. After the transplant I feel better than I have in years. Biopharmaceutical innovation and advancement have saved my life and changed it for the better. And for that, I am beyond grateful.

I want to make sure that everyone has the same access to the ground-breaking treatments that can save lives. New discoveries are being made every day to improve the lives of people like me who have battled chronic illnesses. We need to facilitate investment in further research and development in innovative treatments.

I worry that policies being debated in Washington, D.C. could suppress innovation at a rate that might impact people patiently waiting for a transplant or for the next major development. And it is important that people who need advanced treatments are able to afford them.

While we debate health care reform, especially during the 2020 election, let’s make sure our leaders know that we need policies that will encourage innovation.

Addy Batiquin
