Protecting your packages | Letter

Regarding the article on package porch pirates (Redmond Reporter, Nov. 23), there are couple of other protective measures that customers and the carriers can take.

I receive frequent packages for one particular vendor. I have set up a UPS My Choice account with UPS so they keep me informed of delivery dates and times. On the other hand, UPS does not always deliver at the time they’ve specified.

Both the U.S. Postal Service and the package delivery companies can improve delivery security by simply ringing doorbells. The U.S. Postal Service stopped ringing doorbells years ago. UPS used to ring doorbells but I’ve noticed that this year they’ve stopped doing that. They save one second by not reaching the doorbell. So when they deliver a package hours before it’s expected, they can let us know that it’s on the porch by simply ringing the doorbell.

Joe Townsend
