The next generation | Letter

Did you know that 50 percent of all lifetime causes of mental illness begin at age 14, and 75 percent by the age of 24?

Our society is dying, but with a level head and the knowledge, we can change it for our kids. We as a society are growing up in one of the hardest times due to technology. While that might not sound like a serious topic at the moment, remember that any photo, audio file, video, etc. can be automatically uploaded for hundreds, thousands, even millions to do what they want with it. The reason why I brought up technology was because we are more prone to stress because of the hate that comes from it. We judge ourselves based on people that have worked hard for their wealth, self-image, fame, etc. It seems like we can never get a break from it.

Don’t you hate, when you express the way you feel to someone else and they don’t take it seriously? Teenagers get our feelings dismissed a lot of the time just because we’re teens. Written off by adults by saying we’re just struggling with hormones. We were all teens at one time in life and if anyone should know how we feel, it should be the adults because they have already experienced it. And maybe they can give us a few pointers that we can apply to life. Maybe I have too high of expectations out of some people, but that doesn’t mean my feelings shouldn’t take importance.

We all are going through life together, we’re all growing old to die young.

Things we should invest more time and money into is universal health care. So people, no matter what’s going on — emotionally, physically or mentally — there would be someone professional to help you get back into you’re normal habits. Another one could be having access to free or reduced-fee counselors, a third party that you can trust with anything. Or if you have a reliable parent and/or friend.

I need all adults to realize that we are intelligent, caring beings just like you. Not all of us are just wrapped up in our head. Just talk to us. Give us a chance.

Now I need us, teens, to not be so judgmental. I’m not telling you guys not to think or feel what pops into your head. But maybe don’t be so quick to put someone else down. Some people have gone through hard, rough patches that we don’t always put into consideration because of their appearance or the way they present themselves. Instead, we should learn to cope and understand what people are going through. Going behind their back to tell others what they tell you in secrecy is not any better than judging them from the start. Just like the famous saying, “What goes around comes around.”

This is important because we all are going through something and we all just need someone to talk to. About anything. We are the next generation that’s going to change our society. We are the next generation that’s going to change our government. We are the next generation that’s going to change the world. Let’s prove to the adults that we can do better than them.

Josh Edwards
