Voting for Zakhareyev for city council — he’s one of us | Letter

As a 30-plus-year resident of Redmond, I have watched, as you have, the traffic numbers grow, the unchecked development, lack of necessary infrastructure to handle the growth and what appears as a city council that has little or no real concern for the individual citizens and homeowners of the city, instead putting focus on transient resident housing.

Well, I think it is time for change. We need new blood on the city council. We need individuals who look at problems individually and seek answers that take the entire community into view, not the few. The city council needs diversity — diversity in thought, in finding solutions and opinion. We need members who come from the neighborhoods with the broad community in the forefront of their minds. We need members who lead, not follow.

For all these reasons I am supporting Eugene Zakhareyev for city council. Eugene is one of us, Eugene is not afraid to ask questions and do the research.

He thinks for himself and stands for his convictions.

Sam Weirbach
