High school orchestras to perform in concert on April 17-18 in Redmond

Redmond Region Orchestra Boosters will present concerts on April 17-18 at the Redmond High School Performing Arts Center.

Redmond Region Orchestra Boosters will present concerts on April 17-18 at the Redmond High School Performing Arts Center.

A classics concert at 7:30 p.m. on April 17 will feature international violist Brett Deubner, accompanied by the Redmond High School Mustang Symphony Orchestra and members of the Lake Washington School District 2014-15 High School Honor Orchestra, under the direction of Paula C. Ferguson.

The program, showcasing the use of the viola in music spanning the Baroque through the Romantic music eras, will include works by J.S. Bach (Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major), Max Bruch, Carl Friedrich Zelter and P.I. Tchaikovsky (Serenade for String Orchestra in C major).

A contemporary concert at 7:30 p.m. on April 18 will also feature Deubner. This concert will present the world premieres of “Stories About the Wind” composed by Nick Norton and of “The River Cam” composed by Eric Whitacre, as well as pieces by Amanda Harberg and Mindaugas Piecatus. The Redmond High School Chamber Orchestra and the Mustang Symphony Orchestra will also perform. This inventive concert will feature video inserts.

Tickets for each of these concerts ($12 for adults and $8 for students/seniors) can be purchased at www.brownpapertickets.com.

The concerts will benefit the Redmond Region Orchestra Boosters, a not-for-profit 401C3,  which promotes the orchestra programs at Redmond High School, Evergreen Middle School and Redmond Middle School through funding scholarships, attendance at festivals, student recognition and funding repairs for instruments.