After filling five school buses with toys, the Lake Washington School District Bus Drivers’ Association dropped them off at Hopelink’s Redmond center on Dec. 3. The association had held a toy drive on Dec. 2 at the Redmond Fred Meyer.
The donations will be used to stock Hopelink’s Redmond center holiday toy and gift room. The Redmond center opened in August.
Every December, Hopelink’s food banks are transformed into holiday wonderlands that are filled with new electronics, books, games, clothes, toys and stocking stuffers – enabling parents and grandparents to shop, at no cost, for their children or grandchildren. Hopelink gift rooms help parents who may not otherwise be able to provide presents during the holidays.
Hopelink has been serving north and east King County since 1971, helping people gain stability and the tools and skills needed to exit poverty.
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