Redmond High School orchestra student to solo at Benaroya Hall

Koyo Kim, an orchestra student from Redmond High School (RHS), will solo on the violin with the Seattle Symphony at Benaroya Hall at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 13. She’ll be part of the morning concert “Discover Music: Peter and the Wolf,” narrated by Pat Cashman.

Kim will also be on the program performing the second movement of the Prokofiev Violin Concerto with the Seattle Symphony.

Seattle Symphony players were asked to submit names of local students who would like to audition for parts. Kim was recommended by her violin teacher Simon James and chosen through an audition with Seattle Symphony conductor Gerard Schwarz.

Kim, a junior at RHS, has studied piano since age 3, violin since age 6 and viola since age 15. She performs as part of a trio which won first place in the district Solo/Ensemble Competition and advanced to the state competition. In solo performance, Kim placed third in the district in this same competition. She also received the Gold Seal for her performance in the Seattle Young Artists festival.

Kim has performed with the Seattle Youth Symphony Youth Orchestra and the Academy Chamber Orchestra led by Alan Futterman. In addition, she currently serves as the concertmaster for the Redmond High School Orchestra. Outside of music, Kim has won second prize in the National History Day documentary contest.

For more information about this weekend’s concert at Benaroya Hall, visit