City of Redmond urges residents, businesses to continue to reduce water consumption

Residents and businesses in the region have exceeded requests by water providers like Cascade Water Alliance to reduce water use 10 percent over the last four weeks by collectively cutting back use by 14 percent.

Residents and businesses in the region have exceeded requests by water providers like Cascade Water Alliance to reduce water use 10 percent over the last four weeks by collectively cutting back use by 14 percent.

While the recent rains have helped, it has not been enough to return water supplies to normal levels. The City of Redmond is reminding residents and businesses that more rain and continued water reductions are still needed to replenish regional water supplies for people and fish.

The city is urging residents and businesses to continue to reduce their water consumption indoors now that the weather has cooled and continue to reduce outdoor use, as well.

Water-saving tips for residents:

• Reduce showering time • Check for and fix leaks • Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes

• Turn off the tap while brushing teeth or shaving

• If purchasing household appliances, choose water-efficient models

• Wash your vehicle(s) at locations that recycle the water

Water-saving tips for businesses:

• Encourage reduced showering times at your facilities

• Serve water only on request

• Check for and fix leaks

• Provide new towels only on request

• Check cooling towers for overflow and excessive blowdown

Unless conditions change significantly, the next round of regional water-use reduction results will be released in mid-November. For more information about Cascade’s water efficiency programs, tips and free water saving items, visit For more information on the voluntary curtailment announcement, visit: