Families are invited to encounter the autumn birdlife of the Snoqualmie River Valley on an easy, guided walk hosted by Eastside Audubon Oct. 8.
Starting in Duvall, the two-hour walk will follow a level trail bordered by marshland, meadow, woodland, and riverside. The wide range of habitat offers children and adults an opportunity to see a variety of resident species and migrating birds.
Walk leader John Tubbs, a master birder and nature photographer, said participants will have a chance to spot water birds, songbirds and raptors such as hawks, eagles and falcons.
“We may see some migrant northern waterfowl, either passing through on their way farther south or just arrived to winter in the Snoqualmie Valley,” Tubbs said.
Tubbs will help participants learn to identify birds by their distinguishing field marks and will share his extensive knowledge about birds’ habits and behavior.
The walk will start in Duvall at the former train station on Northeast Stephens (near the police station) at 10 a.m. and will follow the Duvall-Carnation Trail.
There is no fee, and reservations are not required. Children and adults of all ages are welcome. Walkers may bring drinks and snacks and are free to leave the walk when they like.
For more information about the walk, contact Mary Britton-Simmons, chair of the Eastside Audubon Youth Education Committee, at (360) 794-7163 or mbritton1@earthlink.net.
Eastside Audubon is the National Audubon Society chapter active in Redmond, Bellevue, Bothell, Carnation, Duvall, Issaquah, Kirkland, North Bend, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, Woodinville and unincorporated East King County.The mission of Eastside Audubon is to protect, preserve, and enhance natural ecosystems and our communities for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.