Eastside-based Rhythms of India to hold Bollywood and Bhangra dance contest tomorrow

Rhythms of India — which offers dance classes throughout the Eastside, including Redmond — will be holding a Bollywood and Bhangra Dance Contest from 3-7 p.m. on Saturday at Interlake High School, 16245 N.E. 24th St. in Bellevue.

Rhythms of India — which offers dance classes throughout the Eastside, including Redmond — will be holding a Bollywood and Bhangra Dance Contest from 3-7 p.m. on Saturday at Interlake High School, 16245 N.E. 24th St. in Bellevue.

About 30 teams will be participating in the competition in various categories, including best Bollywood for adults, youths and tiny tots and best Bhangra for adults, youths and tiny tots.

Cash prizes will be awarded to winners.

For more information, visit rhythmsofindia.net.