Evergreen to screen every patient entering hospital for flu symptoms

Due to the increased numbers of H1N1 (swine) flu patients, Evergreen Hospital Medical Center will screen everyone entering the hospital for flu symptoms beginning Monday, Nov. 2.

Visitors with flu symptoms will be asked not to enter the hospital. Those seeking medical care will be screened and directed to appropriate areas for treatment.

“This is a serious step but one that we believe is necessary to protect the health of our patients, our employees and our community,” said Steve Brown, Evergreen CEO. “Other hospitals in the area and across the country are taking similar measures. The community is counting on us to be there to help them during this flu emergency and we will be.”

To protect the community’s children, visitors under the age of 12 will not be allowed. Children are particularly vulnerable to the flu and should not be exposed unnecessarily.

To get basic information about the flu, call Evergreen’s H1N1 line at (425) 899-4161. Nurses are available for telephone consultation at Evergreen’s Healthline at (425) 899-3000. If you’re experiencing flu symptoms, consult your primary care provider.

The best protection against the H1N1 flu virus includes washing your hands frequently, avoiding crowds and particularly anyone coughing or sneezing, and getting vaccinated against the seasonal flu and the H1N1 strain when the vaccine is available.