Meteor shower will be visible on Saturday morning

Posts have been circling on social media in recent weeks claiming that one of the brightest meteor showers ever will happen this weekend, but is it true?

It’s not, according to a blog post on NASA’s website, written by Bill Cooke.

In the post, Cooke says there will be a Perseid meteor shower, with the peak coming around 1 p.m. on Aug. 12.

These showers never reach storm levels, the post said, with a normal peak of between 80 to 100 meteors per hour to a few hundred per hour.

This year, experts believe around 150 meteors will be visible each hour, but many will be cancelled out by a bright moon, which will wash out fainter meteors.

While some will still be visible, it won’t be the brightest in history, as some posts on social media have claimed.

According to Cooke, the brightest meteor shower ever recorded was in 1833, where perhaps tens of thousands of meteors fell per hour.

Cooke said it was so intense many people thought the world was coming to an end and started modern meteor science.

A total solar eclipse will also be visible on Aug. 21 in Oregon as it moves across the middle of the United States beginning on the West Coast.

While it will still be visible in Washington state, it will only be a partial eclipse.

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