OneRedmond, NuOz Technologies present ‘Spams & Scams!’ educational workshop

OneRedmond and NuOz Technologies will present a "Spams & Scams!" education workshop on how to protect your business and employees at 8 a.m. Sept. 22 at NuOz, 15801 N.E. 85th St., Redmond.

OneRedmond and NuOz Technologies will present a “Spams & Scams!” education workshop on how to protect your business and employees at 8 a.m. Sept. 22 at NuOz, 15801 N.E. 85th St., Redmond.

To register, visit

According to OneRedmond, attendees can “Walk away with applicable steps to put into action. Cyber threats and scams affect everyone from small one-man shops to big corporations. This workshop is to provide an overview of cyber security best practices for small businesses and to be a starting point to plan how to follow these best practices.”