Redmond High students make a splash at Orca Bowl

Redmond High placed second at the 17th annual Orca Bowl on March 1 at the University of Washington. Everett’s Ocean Research College Academy (ORCA) ‘A’ team took top honors.

Redmond High placed second at the 17th annual Orca Bowl on March 1 at the University of Washington. Everett’s Ocean Research College Academy (ORCA) ‘A’ team took top honors.

Pictured, from left to right, are Redmond’s Bettina Beverly, Amani Moyer-Ali, captain Celine DeJong, Hannah vanHoff, Sydne Dresser and coach Megan Gray. They are in front of the Seattle Aquarium Window on Washington Waters exhibit during the awards dinner. The aquarium’s volunteer diver is Cari Garand.

More than 100 students from 13 Washington state high schools competed in the event, which was hosted by Washington Sea Grant and other programs and schools from the University of Washington College of the Environment.

Orca Bowl lasted a full day, with teams competing in a round-robin tournament followed by a double elimination for the top teams. Students tackled questions in all areas of marine studies.