The Redmond Police Department Explorer Post 2913 has been awarded the 2008 Washington State Explorer Post of the Year by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC).
The RPD Explorer Post 2913 is a group of 14-20 year-old volunteers interested in the field of law enforcement. Their nearly 3,000 hours of volunteer service equates to over $58,000 worth of work. The volunteers assist officers with training scenarios, traffic control at serious collisions, collecting evidence items from crime scenes, and helping diagram large crime scenes.
Community duties have included serving as a public point of contact at events, dressing up as McGruff the Crime Dog, volunteering at Special Olympics Torch Run fundraisers and assisting with city events such as Derby Days and RedmondLights.
In addition to the work within Redmond, the post has also conducted traffic control and security at SeaFair in Seattle and the annual Duvall Days Festival.
The 2008 Washington State Explorer Post of the Year Award will be presented to Redmond’s Explorers this spring at the WASPC Conference in Kennewick. For more information, contact Officer Julie Beard at (425) 556-2659.