Redmond to udpate Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Trails and Arts Plan

The City of Redmond is updating its 2004 Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Trails and Arts Plan (PARCC). In order for the city to be eligible for funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), the plan must be updated before June 15, 2010.

The City of Redmond is updating its 2004 Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Trails and Arts Plan (PARCC).

In order for the city to be eligible for funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), the plan must be updated before June 15, 2010.

The Draft Plan will be available for review on the city’s Web site,, from Jan. 25-Feb. 26.

Comments will be accepted at public meetings, during public comment times at various commission meetings and via e-mail or mail to the project manager.

A public meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11 at in the Redmond City Hall Council Chambers, 15670 NE 85th Street.

For a list of all public comment opportunities, click here.

The PARCC Plan provides an inventory of the parks system, updating the existing conditions within the plan; projects the future park systems needs for the next 20 years based on a demand analysis and public involvement; and prioritizes the projects in a capital improvement program.

The plan must comply with the State’s Growth Management Act, the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the Parks Element within the Comprehensive Plan. Prior to submission to RCO, the plan must be adopted by City Council.

For further information or to submit comments, contact Carolyn Hope, project manager at or (425) 556-2313.