Rep. McBride earns City Champion Award

The Association of Washington Cities (AWC), an Olympia-based organization advocating on behalf of Washington's 281 cities and towns, honored 48th Legislate District Rep. Joan McBride (D-Kirkland) with a City Champion Award.

The Association of Washington Cities (AWC), an Olympia-based organization advocating on behalf of Washington’s 281 cities and towns, honored 48th Legislate District Rep. Joan McBride (D-Kirkland) with a City Champion Award.

McBride was recognized on Sept. 7 in Renton at a Sound Cities Association dinner. She is one of six legislators recognized for championing city priorities during the 2016 legislative session. Specifically, McBride is recognized for her work on the Local Government Champions Caucus and efforts to strengthen the Public Records Act.

“It’s a privilege to present this award to Representative McBride,” said Amy Walen, Kirkland mayor. “She has a common sense approach to solving problems, she brings people together, and gets things done.”

McBride played a key role in cosponsoring a bipartisan supported bill to strengthen and clarify key portions of the Public Records Act.

AWC Government Relations Director Dave Williams said “while efforts to move the bill were ultimately unsuccessful, Representative McBride worked tirelessly with stakeholders and other legislators to bring the bill up for a vote in the House. AWC continues to work on this issue and is engaging stakeholders over the interim in preparation for the 2017 session.”

“This award is so important to me,” said McBride, “Our state rises and falls on how well our cities are doing. As our cities thrive, so does our state. I am thrilled an honored to accept this award.” Addressing the challenges cities face with public records she said “the bill I worked on was designed to help cities manage public records requests. We are all for transparency in government. We continue to work towards that goal.”

“As the state continues to address funding for K-12 education and other priorities, its historic partnership with cities to provide funding for important city programs and services has diminished,” said Williams. “Cities need champions in the Legislature, like Representative McBride.”