Van Gelder to speak at Trilogy on Redmond Ridge tonight

This evening, Russell Van Gelder professor and chair of the University of Washington's Medicine Ophthalmology Department, will speak at Trilogy at Redmond Ridge.

This evening, Russell Van Gelder professor and chair of the University of Washington’s Medicine Ophthalmology Department, will speak at Trilogy at Redmond Ridge.

Van Gelder’s talk, The Promise of Vision Restoration, will focus on his and his clinicians, researchers and scientists’ work to reverse blindness and other devastating eye diseases.

Van Gelder was born and raised in and around New York City. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Stanford University, earning his doctorate in neurosciences as well, studying the molecular biology of circadian rhythms. Following internal medicine internship at Stanford, Van Gelder completed his residency in ophthalmology at Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University in St. Louis and his medical retina and uveitis fellowship at the Barnes Retina Institute.