Volunteers participate in NW Day of Service in Redmond

Members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints completed its NW Day of Service and worked on three Redmond projects last Saturday.

Members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints completed its NW Day of Service and worked on three Redmond projects last Saturday.

• Redmond Ridge clean up: 76 volunteers spent the morning gathering up trash throughout the Redmond Ridge area. About 20 or so trash bags were filled and dropped off at a designated dumpster.

• Hartman Trail: City of Redmond workers dumped 35 yards of gravel/dirt in three piles the day before to cover the trail, which is about .25 of a mile in green belt. Volunteers smoothed out the piles.

• Farrel-McWhirter Park: 60 volunteers showed up to remove blackberries from Farrel-McWhirter. Redmond Green Partnership helped manage the volunteers, who cleared an area of about 120 feet by 30 feet.