Zombies dance up a storm at Redmond Town Center | VIDEO

On Saturday afternoon, 256 people dressed up as zombies to groove in the "Thrill the World Redmond 2013" spooky event at Redmond Town Center.

On Saturday afternoon, 256 people dressed up as zombies to groove in the “Thrill the World Redmond 2013” spooky event at Redmond Town Center.

Zombies of all ages laid down in the streets “playing dead,” then slowly rose (to the beat of  Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”) and began a worldwide flash mob dance simulcast with other “Thrill the World” locations such as London, Sydney, Tokyo, Helsinki, New York and Brazil.

The event raised $7,108 for SecondStory Repertory theater.

The Redmond Reporter and Star 101.5 were co-sponsors for the event.

For those whose photos were taken, check this link to download your pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40783276@N06/sets/72157636982926925/

Video: Cat Rose/ Pumpkin Productions