Editorial: Be smart, don’t drink and drive

With summer just around the corner, there are many reasons to celebrate.

Redmond schools just recently saluted the Class of 2009 with graduation ceremonies, highlighting students’ accomplishments while marking the next important step in life. The days are getting hotter and longer, setting the stage for backyard barbecues, beach picnics and boating adventures.

There’s no question, this is an exciting time of year.

Just be smart when you celebrate.

During this festive time of year, don’t make the mistake many have already made by drinking and driving.

Alcohol-related traffic accidents and driving under the influence (DUI) incidents increase during the summer months, said Redmond Lt. Nick Almquist.

“There are definitely more alcohol-related crashes during this time of year,” he said. “People are having family barbecues, boating all day and then driving home.”

It’s fine to have fun this summer, but it’s detrimental to drink and drive.

There were 17 alcohol-related traffic accidents, including two fatalities in 2008, according to Almquist. He said there have been seven traffic accidents involving alcohol so far this year, but no fatalities.

Let’s make smart decisions and keep that statistic a zero.

There were 151 DUI incidents last year in the city of Redmond, according to the Redmond Police Department. There are already 90 DUI reports this year, including six in the first nine days of June.

We can’t just rely on police officers to make our streets safe. DUI prevention starts with you and the choices you make.

It’s a horrible idea to have a few alcoholic drinks and then think you can drive home. Taking a taxi is much cheaper and safer than the potential deadly risks associated with drinking and driving.

“It is senseless and completely preventable,” Redmond Police Officer Sande English told Redmond High School students during a “Think About It” assembly at the school earlier this month. The purpose of the assembly was to raise awareness and warn students of the dangers of drinking and driving.

For English, the dangers of DUI, hit close to home. Her 19-year-old son was killed by a 16-year-old driver with a blood-alcohol content almost twice the legal limit. Unfortunately, English isn’t the only one haunted by an alcohol-impaired driver.

Let’s work together and make sure there are no more chapters added to these tragic – and totally avoidable – stories.

So have fun this summer, enjoy your success – and the nice weather – but remember, when you drink alcohol, don’t drive.

Don’t let one stupid mistake ruin your life — or someone else’s.