Is panhandling legal in Redmond? It depends | OPINION

Redmond, can you spare a dime? Many questions have surfaced recently regarding whether panhandling is legal in Redmond. As with most law or code enforcement questions, “it depends.”

Redmond, can you spare a dime?

Many questions have surfaced recently regarding whether panhandling is legal in Redmond. As with most law or code enforcement questions, “it depends.”

Is panhandling legal? It depends. If someone is on public property, isn’t interfering with traffic or acting inappropriately, then yes, it’s legal. It’s similar to employees standing on street corners spinning signs for businesses or posting a political sign or yard sale sign. It is public property. None of these add to the appeal of our city, but they are legal.

When should I contact police? It depends. If someone is in danger, always call 911. If someone panhandles on private property such as, say, your personal property and won’t leave, call 911. If they are aggressive, threatening, impeding traffic, or intimidating, call 911. These crimes require police to identify and speak with a victim. But simply asking for money is not a crime.

Can people panhandle in parking lots? It depends. This is a common frustration for business owners. They can’t be on private property; however, they can be on private property that is open to the public. Being in a shopping center parking lot, not interfering with anyone’s right of way is legal. If it’s an ungated area and anyone is allowed, then so are panhandlers.

Who are these panhandlers? There is no “cookie-cutter” panhandler; they are normal people like you and me. They may be jobless looking for income. They may be homeless looking for food. They may be trying to feed addictions. They may want bus fare. They may have a home and a job and are looking for spending money.

How can I help? Every panhandler has different needs (“it depends”), but you may want to ask them. If they need money, ask what they are saving for. Cash donations usually aren’t fruitful for anyone; it’s better to donate concrete items – food, socks, clothes, toiletries, gift certificates and other items everyone needs. Donating to an organization that specifically supports homelessness or unemployment is another option.

What is the city doing about panhandling? The city works collaboratively with local services and is committed to responding to unsafe situations. The Redmond Police Department will respond to all calls, but just because someone is panhandling doesn’t mean a crime was committed. Typically, the only violation police can cite aggressive panhandlers for is disorderly conduct but this crime requires a victim. An anonymous 911 caller or a store manager calling for customers who have already left prohibits officers from enforcing the law.

So, is panhandling legal? It depends.

Jim Bove is the community outreach facilitator for the Redmond Police Department.