The election season is approaching and the state’s two major political parties are in a twitter.
The reason? We have a new primary system this year and there’s no longer a guarantee that both a Democrat and a Republican will make it to the November General Election ballot.
News media mimic domestic beasts of burden: Sometimes lazy, often trainable, but always hungry.
It’s expected that transportation will be the biggest local issue in the 2008 elections.
I helped a friend and his wife load their stuff into a big U-Haul some days ago. They were moving to southern California.
Microsoft will continue to support Windows XP Professional until the year 2014, which means we’ll continue to support your desire to use it.
OK, you decide.
The high-altitude thinkers we invited to project technology trends earlier this year concurred on one key insight we all should note: Lifelong learning is growing ever more critical for our community’s prosperity and for each of us, individually, to remain relevant in the workplace.
The countdown has started for hands-free calling here in our state. It can’t come soon enough.
Suburbanites rarely suffer like those who live in other parts of the world.
Gone are the days of setting up the tiny tripod telescope on the back porch in hopes of spotting that elusive shooting star.
His race for Dufur public office was not going well.
From steroid-using athletes to celebrities who bounce between clubs and rehab, today’s role models can leave a lot to be desired.
On my desk is a recent issue of TIME magazine devoted to the dangers of global warming.
After three decades of being married to the same woman, you would think a guy would have a pretty solid knowledge of that woman’s likes and dislikes. But on Mothers Day, five years ago, I had an apparent brain cramp.
Q: Reading your answer in the Redmond Reporter the other day about how to really, really delete Outlook Express emails, reminded me that I still have all the emails I saved when I switched from OE to Outlook a couple of years ago. I now know how to delete them, but my question is about how to access the ones that I still want to refer to occasionally. Is there any way to open a .dbx file when you’re using Outlook for email?
Mother’s Day is this Sunday but there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t cherish and adore the most inspirational woman in my life.
One of the great things about living in the suburbs is that we don’t waste our time with freedoms of expression.
Every once in a while, an election comes along that decides not just the next four years but the next 20.
Fill the gas tank or stock up on Top Ramen?
Nurse: “Doctor! There’s an invisible man in the waiting room!”