Thanks for the Trilogy Firewise article | Letter

We found your excellent article — based on a news release by Trilogy's Firewise Chair John Weber to provide an important glimpse into the selfless and stellar dedication of Trilogy's all-volunteer, Forest Stewardship Committee (led by Mike Kennedy and Roger Coleman), committee members and their associates, the Friends of the Forest — a heartwarming change from the often sensational lead headline/article from many newspapers.

We found your excellent article — based on a news release by Trilogy’s Firewise Chair John Weber to provide an important glimpse into the selfless and stellar dedication of Trilogy’s all-volunteer, Forest Stewardship Committee (led by Mike Kennedy and Roger Coleman), committee members and their associates, the Friends of the Forest — a heartwarming change from the often sensational lead headline/article from many newspapers.

Community volunteers like these, who look out for their neighbors’ safety, are all too rare, and are often overlooked by media intent on capitalizing on sensationalized material. Plaudits to the true journalists at the Redmond Reporter for reporting impressive community, cooperative efforts. Keep it coming!

Lyle and Marie Hanson

Trilogy at Redmond Ridge residents since 2006