Voting for Valderrama | Letter

I strongly endorse Ramiro Valderrama for the 45th District House because he represents his constituents in a fair and balanced manner, making progressive change, no matter how difficult or complex the issue.

I strongly endorse Ramiro Valderrama for the 45th District House because he represents his constituents in a fair and balanced manner, making progressive change, no matter how difficult or complex the issue.

We had an excruciatingly painful experience with county government and the East Lake Sammamish Trail North Expansion. So much so that we decided to relocate off the lake and away from the trail. From an experience like that you learn you need to align yourself with common-sense advocates within government not just to move forward new agendas, but to simply protect those rights you thought were self-evident, including protecting our biggest investments, like house, home and literally our mental sanity.

We need government transparency, alignment of state, county and city overall development plans and people within government willing to fight on our behalf to maintain citizen trust in their government. Valderrama is our advocate to make those things happen. Case and point, the city wanted to be known for their beautiful tree canopies, but the county stripped 2,000 trees down over the north section of the trail (2.5 miles). Led by Valderrama, the city council now stepped in, and are making sure there is transparency and consistency in objectives prior to permitting approvals.

He is one of Sammamish citizen’s strongest advocates, making our voice heard and pushing for respectful compromise among parties and alignment of interagency plans, helping to restore my trust that someone is representing me in government.

I have personally known Valderrama to be highly responsive to citizen’s issues and believe he can bring the same qualities to Olympia. There exists a surprisingly long list of items the state would like to direct our cities to do that have huge impacts on us locally such as home and job expansion and transportation which may look good on paper, but can negatively impact our cost and quality of living. We need the right people in the house to represent the Eastside and cities in the 45th District to make sure we move in the right direction.

Vote for Ramiro Valderrama. He will serve our district well!

Carrie Parrish
