It’s time to start thinking Redmond High football | Letter from the coach

(Editor’s note: Here is an open letter to Redmond High School football players from head coach Jason Rimkus): Welcome to our Redmond High School football family. You are about to embark on a journey that will become one of the most fun and challenging parts of your high school career.

(Editor’s note: Here is an open letter to Redmond High School football players from head coach Jason Rimkus):

Welcome to our Redmond High School football family. You are about to embark on a journey that will become one of the most fun and challenging parts of your high school career. You will be a part of a team of young men who are very disciplined, driven, hard working and selfless. We have always believed that there is more to be learned through football than the game itself. We are confident that the 2014 season will be a great success for the Redmond Mustangs.

As you prepare yourself for the upcoming season, we’d like to encourage you to begin your offseason workouts with the team. We currently have anywhere from 45-65 players attending the offseason strength and conditioning program. We believe it is a vital piece to every player’s safety and the cornerstone to the unity and toughness of our program. For questions regarding dates and times, please feel free to contact me anytime via our website,

As we head into spring practice, there are several important dates that you and your family must be aware of, the most important being the football parent meeting at 7 p.m. on May 15 in the school gym. All players must have an up-to-date physical on file as well as the athletic packet turned in before participation. All information and packets can be picked up in the Mustang athletic office.

Other important dates:

• Upperclassmen begin spring practice on June 2.

• Incoming freshmen begin spring practice on June 9.

• Mustang Moms Night is on June 7.

• Team camp is June 27-30.

• Participation fees are due in August.