Q & A with Trent Halvorson

Q & A with Trent Halvorson:

Q: Was basketball your first love, or did you play other sports too?

A: I played basketball for the most part, and football as well. My dad was totally into me playing football, my mom was against it because of the injuries, so I ended up stopping halfway through middle school and then just focusing on basketball from there.

Q: Your mom passed away just after the basketball season ended last season. How difficult was that for you?

A: We were told she had four months left, and she was diagnosed in 2008 and passed away in May of 2009, so she lasted a lot longer than planned. There were good things and bad things to it. She was in a lot of pain and on a lot of drugs at all times, and it was almost a relief to see her go. She didn’t have to deal with that pain anymore.

Q: Do you plan to play basketball in college, and what would like to pursue as a career?

A: I’ve been thinking a lot about it recently. I plan on going to Western Washington University next year, they have a pretty strong basketball program. (Walking on) is a possibility. Depending on how this year goes and how my health is. As for a career, I want to go into the business field. My dad owned a business, and I got to see how he ran it a lot, and my uncle owns a car dealership. It’s just kind of in the family, I guess.