Allen is the right choice

I have known Redmond City Councilmember Kim Allen since she joined Redmond’s Planning Commission in 2002 and we have served together on the Redmond City Council for the last four years.

I have watched Kim quickly learn her way around the issues in the areas of transportation, planning, growth management and environmental stewardship and we have gone together to carry Redmond’s needs and concerns to our state legislators, many of whom have endorsed Kim’s re-election — as have I.

Kim and I represent Redmond’s interests in transportation as voting members of Eastside Transportation Partnership where we have worked to secure more buses and transit for Redmond. She has promoted Council’s presence in the community and I look forward to working with her as Council lead as we rewrite Redmond’s zoning code. Her background and connections to the Redmond community give her an understanding of our city’s interests and have made her an effective Councilmember for Redmond.

That’s why I am supporting her campaign for the chance to serve another four years.

Nancy McCormick, City Council president