Cartoonist Shiers does it right by provoking a reaction | Letter

I admire letter writer David Chapin’s zeal to halt global warming. However, in criticizing Frank Shiers’ cartoon about “kayaktivists” last issue, Chapin’s passions prevent an understanding of the purposes of political cartooning.

I admire letter writer David Chapin’s zeal to halt global warming. However, in criticizing Frank Shiers’ cartoon about “kayaktivists” last issue, Chapin’s passions prevent an understanding of the purposes of political cartooning. The best challenge assumptions, poke fun at leaders (powerful and grassroots), and above all provoke reactions. Rather than drawing “smugly,” Shiers is reflecting a central, century-old purpose of American journalism. I am certain Shiers also has port officials, Alaska oil interests, Shell and the pro-business cheerleaders in his sights.

Jeff Hickey, Seattle