Churches could help Eastside nonprofits with finances

“Budget cuts devastating to Eastside nonprofits,” the headline from Nov. 19 Redmond Reporter is our call to action.

“Budget cuts devastating to Eastside nonprofits,” the headline from Nov. 19 Redmond Reporter is our call to action.

How sad to read that our eastside agencies, nonprofit human service agencies, turn to King County Council for funding and not to churches.

“Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing,” from Proverbs 28:17

People of faith, we need to give 10 percent tithe at each of our places of worship and human services will not know what to do with all the money.

These agencies say they aren’t “going to find magical pots of money,” how about non-magical, faith-based money from God’s obedient people.

Overlake Christian Church is one example of a group of people of faith who are taking the call to all members and active attendees to give 10 percent of their income to the church, 10 percent of what God has given us – back to Him.

What will happen when all people of faith believe and act on what Malachi 3:8-10 says?

Let local government do what it was created to do; provide for the security, education, infrastructure of our community.

Let people do what good people do: love Thy neighbor as Thy self.

Love sometimes takes the form of hard, cold cash in the hands of good agencies.

We, people of faith, have been given a time such as this (budget cutting time), to show what churches can do for our community.

We need to, in faith, step up, put our money where or heart is and give to our churches.

Churches when blessed must reach out to the least of these, some of which will be agencies for the sexually abused, homeless, troubled or endangered youth, battered women, and people with drug alcohol problems.

Don’t e-mail Ron Sims about budget cuts for human services, e-mail your pastor and commit to giving 10 percent of your income and see what God will do.

Sheryl Solberg
