Nice job on the Sandeep story

It was a great article regarding Sandeep Thomas in the July 1 edition.

It was a great article regarding Sandeep Thomas in the July 1 edition.

I am proud to say that Sandeep is my friend. I have enjoyed hanging out with him and watching him grow, and I’m an old guy that gets the senior discount at Denny’s.

Sandeep is one that the entire city can be proud of. In this day where there is so much negative news about youth, this article is refreshing and uplifting. As well, I must put in a plug for Insight School of Washington. When will we learn that traditional school is not the best option for every kid? When will we learn that kids (and adults) have individual learning styles and not all fit the cookie cutter we force them into.

Way to go Sandeep, great things are coming. And great article Samantha Pak. Three cheers for both of you.

Sam Weirbach, Redmond