Our government is out of control

Americans have enjoyed the highest standard of living and liberty in the world.

Today this is threatened by a government which is out of control.

They have turned a deaf ear to the people and played the class warfare game in an attempt to divide the people and build on constituencies dependent on the government. The president is a thin-skinned, inexperienced narcissist who has blindly followed a left-wing agenda, despite the protests of the American people.

The people don’t hate President Obama, they hate his policies. He refuses to accept responsibility for any of his policies’ shortcomings. His administration is perfectly willing to strong-arm, insult and demonize anyone who disagrees with his policies. This man has never run a business and has no clue how jobs are created in the private sector. He has used the recession to push through a huge political payoff to the unions and traditional Democratic constituents packaged as “stimulus.”

The democratic-controlled House and Senate leaders were also perfectly willing to bankrupt the nation and enslave our descendants in a sea of debt by passing this. The Obama administration promised that this would “create or save jobs.”

Sure the public sector has been growing, but these jobs don’t create anything permanent in the private sector.

Most of the money is unspent and along with the TARP program has become a huge slush fund for government. Remember, this is borrowed money. Growing government has never grown the economy. You don’t see mass layoffs of federal workers.

The economy has lost at least 3 million jobs since Obama became president. The private sector has been frightened into inaction on hiring and investment as the heavy hand of the federal government seeks to regulate tax and punish the success of the individual.

This didn’t work to create prosperity in the Soviet Union, East Germany or other centrally planned economies and won’t work here. Even the Chinese know this.

We have the hardest-working, most productive and innovative work force in the world which has prospered for over 200 years while the more “enlightened” European nations have experimented with Fascism and Communism that has resulted in the deaths of millions of their own citizens.

Leave us alone, Mr. President! Let us keep more of our own money. Get out of the way of Americans who know how to be prosperous and put our citizens back to work since you are unwilling/unable/unconcerned about promoting the general welfare of citizens other than providing an unemployment check with borrowed money.

Dave Stella, Redmond