Pleased the props failed | Letter

I am pleased that the Redmond propositions did not pass because I felt the additional taxes were not needed. I noticed a few letters appeared in our Redmond Reporter submitted by city council and the mayor.

I am pleased that the Redmond propositions did not pass because I felt the additional taxes were not needed. I noticed a few letters appeared in our Redmond Reporter submitted by city council and the mayor. They seemed to be disappointed but not surprised by the majority “no” votes. I live near Hartman Park on Education Hill. I pass through the park every day with my dog walks. The park is well used by Microsoft soccer leagues, and school football, soccer teams and, of course, Little League baseball teams. The park appears to be well maintained, and is clean. There is a maintenance man that does a great job. Thus, I couldn’t see a need to spend more tax dollars at Hartman Park.

Richard Morris
