Republicans need to take a hike

I would like to encourage Republicans to take the advice of Mr. Carlson (May 15 issue of Redmond Reporter) along with Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich and march off to obscurity for many years.

The belief that most Americans are far right in their political views is based on flimsy evidence.

I would remind Mr. Carlson that Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 and if one state (Ohio) had gone Democratic in 2004, Kerry would have won.

The last two years of Bush’s presidency his approval rating was in the 20s. Not to mention the multitude of Congressional races Republicans have lost across the country the last four years.

I can assure Mr. Carlson that if any other Republican had been the Presidential nominee in 2008, the race would have been over in September.

The only reason McCain garnered as many votes as he did was because of his reputation as a moderate.

As to “Obama’s massive spending, endless bailouts and huge deficits,” the “fiscally conservative” Republicans are the ones who increased the national debt by $5 trillion, increased government spending and proposed giving bailouts to the banks.

If only they were this concerned about debt when they were in control for eight years. It is this kind of double talk that it is going to take most people many years to forget.

Jennifer Hille, Woodinville