Robinson’s whining getting tired and old

The latest installment of former Redmond City Councilmember Jim Robinson’s unconstructive serial whine is more of the same. Redmond has not implemented his vision of destroying our business community by raising taxes or left our kids footing the bill for his ill-conceived capital program. He ran on this platform with strong financial and political backing from former mayor Rosemarie Ives and one member of the of city council.

The latest installment of former Redmond City Councilmember Jim Robinson’s unconstructive serial whine is more of the same.

Redmond has not implemented his vision of destroying our business community by raising taxes or left our kids footing the bill for his ill-conceived capital program. He ran on this platform with strong financial and political backing from former mayor Rosemarie Ives and one member of the of city council.

The voters of Redmond overwhelmingly rejected it!

The past year and a half has been a renaissance for Redmond. The Council works with the Mayor and vice versa. In these difficult economic times, the experience of councilmembers like Pat Vaché, Richard Cole and Nancy McCormick has blended well with the ideas of newcomers David Carson, Hank Margeson and Hank Meyers.

The result has been a far more effective council and more open and transparent government that we haven’t seen in many years. It’s no surprise that Robinson strongly endorsed Kim Allen who was his mayoral campaign manager and lone supporter on council, but Redmond doesn’t need or want more of the Ives/Robinson/Allen policies.

Doug White, Redmond