Take pride in Redmond, support the levies | Letter

We as Redmond residents take pride in Redmond being voted among the best cities in the United States, according to Livability.com.

We as Redmond residents take pride in Redmond being voted among the best cities in the United States, according to Livability.com. Factors cited in conferring this honor to Redmond include employment, high quality of schools, low crime rate and good health care, among others. Other major factors include picturesque neighborhoods, diversity of cultures among its residents, pleasing public art and magnificent parks and trails.

While it is not easy to pinpoint precisely the relative importance of each of these factors, it is clear that all of them are determinants of Redmond’s high rank among cities of its size in the U.S. When I travel to and stay in other cities in the U.S., the contrast is palpable, and Redmond is a great city to come back home to!

At the hub of all these factors is a well-run government, which is responsible in its undertakings and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community.

The proposed levies address several of the factors contributing to high quality of life in Redmond that require maintenance and improvement. I view the levies as a package that calls for investment by the community in the services and facilities that are offered for its own benefit. I recommend to everyone to study the content about the levies on the city’s website (www.redmond.gov) and support them, bearing in mind that they address critical aspects that make this city among the best in the country.

Latha Sambamurti, Redmond