Time to find a better liberal columnist

Can you please find a better liberal commentator to replace Andrew Villeneuve?

I’m not a liberal, but I am embarrassed for anyone who is liberal when I read his mindless, immature rambles. He characterizes anyone that disagrees with him as an evil, selfish obstructionist. He almost never makes a thoughtful or fact- based point. In his Feb. 12 column he says, “not everyone wants to work together for the benefit of the country … I mean Republican.” Then later referring again to Republicans, “Their mindset is simple: They never want to be out of power. If they can’t persuade voters to keep them in charge, then they are for oligarchy.”

Not once in this ramble does he debate a single point. Not once can he grasp that those he disagrees with have motives as noble as his.

Redmond deserves a higher quality liberal commentator in your paper. With John Carlson leaving, it is a good time to replace Mr. Villeneuve with someone who can present cogent liberal arguments.

Lance Hood, Redmond