Traffic lights not timed properly

Not long ago a friend asked me what I thought of Redmond giving tickets for driving through red lights. I said I think it’s great, because if people are breaking the law they ought to be caught.

Not long ago a friend asked me what I thought of Redmond giving tickets for driving through red lights.

I said I think it’s great, because if people are breaking the law they ought to be caught.

Within weeks early one Sunday morning I was about to cross Union Hill going north on Avondale, driving the speed limit. As I approached the green light it turned yellow, and within less than two seconds turned red.

No one could possibly have stopped that quickly. Since then I’ve timed other yellow lights on the Eastside and they average 4-5 seconds.

I went home and told friends I’d just driven through a red light, first time ever. Soon I got a ticket in the mail for $128, along with a website link showing my infraction in motion. The video clearly showed the two-second yellow light. I appealed the ticket and my fine was reduced to $89.

Could this be a scam by Redmond to make money, as NO DRIVER COULD POSSIBLY STOP IN TWO SECONDS.

Most interesting is that I have never before gotten a ticket.

Dorothy Billington, Redmond