Several times now I have been confronted by Lyndon LaRouche supporters with petitions and holding posters of President Obama, wearing a Hitler mustache.
A few times, I saw these protestors at the Redmond King County Library, but last week, there were at the Redmond United States Post Office, of all places.
I finally had to say something.
I asked them, “Do you not have any respect for the President of the United States?” The only answer I got was laughter.
When I was growing up my father always had a picture of the current president on our kitchen wall, no mater if he was Democrat or Republican, even if he did not believe in everything they did or would say. I always remembered that, and most of our neighbors felt the same way.
Then there is a man like Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., who was convicted of mail fraud in 1988 along with six of his associates. Then there’s his supporters standing in front of the post office asking folks to sign petitions, while holding the picture of our president with a Hitler mustache.
How low can one go?
Just a couple facts about LaRouche: Google them up if you like.
• He paid Roy Frankhouseer, a top official of the Pennsylvania’s Ku Klux Klan for various services in 1975.
• LaRouche also is an anti-semetic, according to the Washington Post..
• He also wrote in his publications that Jewish leaders and wealthy Jewish families had roles in international narcotics trade and many other crimes.
There is a lot of anti-American stuff about this guy and I can’t figure out why anyone would want to support him?
I’m not sure what these people with the petitions are getting paid and whose paying them, but to me it makes no difference. Why stand in front of our post office and library and ruin our day?
I asked to speak with the manager of the Redmond post office and I was told there was nothing that could be done about the petitioners standing in the doorway, as long as they were not obstructing patrons. In addition, Redmond Police said there was nothing that could be done.
Yes, I thank God this is a free country and everyone can speak freely. I have no problem with that.
But where have the fine citizens of our country gone who can’t show a little respect for the President of the United States.
Hope they are proud of themselves. I am ashamed of you.
Joe Cooper, Redmond