Groovin’ workout: Cardio class makes fitness fun and affordable

Regulars at Overlake Christian Church’s Women’s Cardio Fitness classes call this program “one of Redmond’s best-kept secrets.” The classes are inexpensive, just $3 each — or free of charge to those who truly can’t afford to pay.

Regulars at Overlake Christian Church’s Women’s Cardio Fitness classes call this program “one of Redmond’s best-kept secrets.”

The classes are inexpensive, just $3 each — or free of charge to those who truly can’t afford to pay.

The hour and 15 minute sessions are open to ladies of all ages and fitness levels. There are young moms, who can pay $1 per child to have their little ones supervised in a room next-door to the gym, as well as middle-aged and senior women.

And the workouts impart more than physical well-being. Aerobic dance, toning and stretching exercises are set to “contemporary music that inspires the heart, soul, mind and strength,” said Shirley Kimmel, who’s been teaching the classes for 12 years.

She and Lorna Taylor, her assistant for the past four years, select tunes by best-selling Christian recording artists, which have a positive message as well as a lively beat.

“We hope the songs will be running through their heads all day,” Kimmel noted.

This cardio fitness approach actually started about 30 years ago, when this congregation was located in Kirkland.

Linda Hastings and Mary Ann Petersen said they’ve been coming to the classes almost since the beginning and Cheri Naramor said she’s been a fan for 17 years.

Naramor remarked, “I started coming because my kids were active bicyclists. My youngest kid passed me on the bike trail — with training wheels — and that’s when I knew I needed to get in better shape. I wanted to improve my cardio health, but it’s also very energizing and uplifting.”

Petersen said, “These classes are what keep me young.” She also raved about the welcoming nature of the group. “There’s no pretense here,” she explained.

Annette Hoelscher, an enthusiast for the past eight years, added, “Besides doing aerobics, we pray for each other, encourage each other.

Naramor agreed, “We are a prayerful group and when we have concerns, we bring them to each other.”

Taylor is convinced that “this is a cure-all. You can come here for relief from health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure, but also for emotional issues. No matter how tired you are when you come in, you always walk out feeling better.”

Kimmel said she was first drawn to the classes after she’d had two kids and felt fatigued all the time. She found an instructor she liked a lot, but when that person moved on, she decided, “Why don’t I just get certified and do this myself?”

“It’s really been a blessing,” she continued. “This group of women is very special.” And there’s always room for more, she pointed out.

“Almost 70 percent of Americans are now overweight. The Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes a day of exercise, but most people don’t. We’ve also started a free walking group for the community, for those who prefer to exercise outdoors.”

Anyone can join the cardio classes or the walking group, said Kimmel. You don’t have to be a member of the church.

At the end of a recent class, Kimmel shared a thought from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”

She asked the women to reflect on this and encouraged them to do something they’ve been putting off, “maybe calling a friend to mend a conflict.”

As the group dispersed, they helped themselves to homemade cookies that Hastings brought in and headed out to face their day with new resolve.

For information about the women’s cardio fitness classes and walking group at Overlake Christian Church, 9900 Willows Rd. NE, call (425) 883-0887 or e-mail