On a roll at Encompass: Microsoft staff members lend a helping hand during Day of Caring

Redmond resident Leona Locke uses a long roller to paint the high walls of a preschool classroom during the Friday (Sept. 24) Day of Caring cleanup at Encompass, a children’s services organization headquartered in North Bend.

Redmond resident Leona Locke uses a long roller to paint the high walls of a preschool classroom during the Friday (Sept. 24) Day of Caring cleanup at Encompass, a children’s services organization headquartered in North Bend. Locke was among more than 40 Microsoft staff members who spent the day at Encompass clearing brush, installing a slide and tackling a myriad of other projects. The Day of Caring, whose T-shirts this year read “Day of Promise” and “Day of Change,” is organized by United Way.