LWSD hears community members loud and clear: don't increase class sizes and avoid laying teachers off.

When putting together the proposed budget for 2009-10, Lake Washington School District Superintendent Dr. Chip Kimball heard the message of parents and staff loud and clear: don’t increase class sizes.

Through a series of administrative cuts, program cuts and increased fees, the district will keep class sizes the same and will not lay off teachers, despite cutting $7.7 million from its budget. Dr. Kimball presented the proposed budget to the district’s board of directors last night.

“We stayed true to our community’s priorities,” noted Dr. Kimball. “We heard loud and clear that our community does not want to see class sizes increase if at all possible. We looked carefully at every possible way to creatively use other sources of funding and to focus multiple cuts on all areas outside the classroom.”

Community feedback also advocated protecting safety net programs for struggling learners, early learning and investments in quality staff. The new budget reflects those values through keeping such programs as the Ready Start preschool and safety net programs.

In reviewing the cuts needed to keep class sizes the same, Dr. Kimball commented, “This budget will be balanced through severe reductions in administration, professional development, support services and building support. The budget also increases revenues through increased fees, conservation and changes in how programs are charged to our budget. Administration will take the greatest reduction in the system, with the least impact occurring at the classroom level. We have squeezed every penny possible out of the system to make sure our priorities are funded. While I am sad that many of our programs will receive cuts, I am very proud of the work that so many in the district have done to make sure that every student, every day, has a high quality learning experience.”

The largest cuts came in central administration and professional development, over $2 million dollars. Just over 10 positions will be eliminated, including four administrators, two professional/technical staff members and just over four professional development staff positions. All central office departments will face a five percent cut in their operating budgets. The administrative cuts amount to 20 percent of the district’s central administrators. The district will no longer produce a printed school calendar, which traditionally is mailed to all parents at the beginning of the school year. The total amount of these cuts comes to about 11 percent of the district’s central administration budget.

The next largest area comes in building support, totaling $1.8 million. Five percent of the building operating budgets will be cut. The building budgets for professional development will be cut by 75 percent. Much of the cut in this area involves reducing staff stipends to provide support for high school graduation, teacher leaders, teachers on special assignment and teachers who lead advisory programs in the secondary schools. These cuts will result in less income for some staff members.

The district will increase fees and cut some programs, for about $1.1 million in savings or increased revenue. About $700,000 will be gained through an increase in the fee for All-Day Kindergarten. A new fee for transportation for the one day per week gifted enrichment program will raise $45,000. Operation of the pool at Juanita High School will be contracted out, saving $150,000. If no contractor can be found, the pool will be closed.

A significant change will be in funding for activities and athletics, resulting in about $800,000 in cost savings and increased revenue. Schools will receive fewer stipends for activity programs. The largest change will be a substantial change in athletics fees, rising from $35 to $105 in junior highs and from $75 to $275 in high schools.

Support services will cut about $600,000 through increased efficiencies in using a different custodial services model, increased energy savings and transportation route efficiencies. These efficiencies may include fewer, longer routes and fewer stops per route.

Finally, the district will move some expenses currently from the general fund to special education or Title I funds so that it may use federal stimulus money to pay for those items.

The district’s board of directors will hold a public hearing on the budget at its June 22 meeting. The budget must be approved by the board in August.