Redmond Fire Department encourages citizens to check smoke detectors and alarms

As springtime begins, the Redmond Fire Department (RFD) would like to remind residents to check their smoke detectors and alarms to ensure their effectiveness. Working smoke alarms can make the difference between life and death in a fire.

As springtime begins, the Redmond Fire Department (RFD) would like to remind residents to check their smoke detectors and alarms to ensure their effectiveness. Working smoke alarms can make the difference between life and death in a fire.

RFD suggests that residents check their smoke alarm or detector monthly. But, now that it is spring, the change of season serves as a good reminder for residents to do a more detailed check of their smoke alarms and detectors. For those with individual smoke alarms that detect smoke and sounds the alarm from the smoke alarm itself, check each alarm battery. And for those with individual smoke detectors that are part of a fire alarm system and connected to an alarm control unit, ensure that the control system is working.

Newer alarms may have batteries with a 10-year lifespan. However, it is generally a good idea to replace the entire unit if they don’t respond properly when tested. Most alarms using lithium batteries are not designed to be changed by the consumer. Smoke alarms with regular batteries (non-lithium) should be changed in the spring and the fall to ensure they will operate when needed.

Smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home. For the best protection, smoke alarms should be interconnected so that when one alarm sounds, they all are triggered to make noise. A licensed electrician can do an interconnection by using hard-wired, multiple smoke alarms.

Visit for more information on the different types of alarms that are available.