Speaker to discuss health care reform at Rotary luncheon

Health care reform will be the topic of discussion at the Sept. 4 Redmond Rotary meeting.

Health care reform will be the topic of discussion at the Sept. 4 Redmond Rotary meeting.

The luncheon will be held from 12:15-1:30 p.m. at the Redmond Mariott Town Center, 7401 164th Ave. NE. Kathleen O’ Connor, founder and CEO of Code Blue Now! with the topic “Health Care Reform: Will It Happen?” will be the featured speaker. Health care reform is one of the top domestic issues in every poll in the country. Both parties have proposals for health care reform, but will they work? O’ Connor, who is also a Rotarian, will spell out the failure of reform and what can be done to have reform that meets the needs of the American public.

The cost to attend the Rotary lunches is $20. Advance registration is not necessary. For more information, contact Hugh Judd, hwjudd@earthlink.net.